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Healthy animals perform optimally.

Our performance products promote ROI. Do you also want to get the most out of your animals? Below you can see our top picks. For more information please download the product catalog.



Pro-Mac® is a highly concentrated liquid nutritional supplement that contains a large variety of ingredients for an optimal support of poultry in different life stages and situations. During suboptimal circumstances like stress, illness or after antibiotic treatment, nutritional need increases to allow an accurate reaction of the immune system



ALBOVIT E+Se is an ideally balanced liquid formulation consisiting of a combination of vitamin E and selenium, designed for the additional, short term supplementation via the drinking water. Stress, feed change, poor conditions and old age have a negative impact on the hatching rate, spermatogenesis, laying performance and egg quality. An excess of fatty acids, combined with reduced availability of vitamin E and selenium, can cause decreased egg production and reduced hatchability.

Avian sperm has a high concentration of unsatured fatty acids that are essential for the mobility of the sperm and the fusion with the egg, but at the same time they are particularly susceptible to oxidative stress.



ALBOVIT Energy is an ideally-balanced liquid formulation consisting of L-carnitine, betaine, magnesium and calcium for application via drinking water. It increases the conversion of energy and protein during the critical phases of production which are characterised by metabolic stress. It stimulates the uptake of feed and water and has a positive influence on the functions of the liver and intestine.

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